Shall consist of clean soft scrap lead, free of other materials such as drosses, battery plates, lead covered cable, hard lead, collapsible tubes, foil, type metals, aluminum, zinc, iron and brass fittings, dirty chemical lead and radioactive materials.
Shall consist of clean lead solids and lead shots, free of other materials, such as drosses, battery plates, lead covered cable, collapsible tubes, type metals, aluminum, zinc, iron and brass fittings, dirty chemical lead and radioactive materials.
To be free of any liquid. Cases to be either plastic or rubber and be complete including caps. Non-lead (nicad, ni-fe, carbonaire, etc.) not acceptable. Industrial, steel cased, aircraft (aluminum cased) and partial, cracked or broken batteries and batteries without caps subject to special agreement.
Free of armored covered cable and foreign material subject to negotiation between buyer and seller.
To consist of lead tire balances with or without iron clips. Not to include scrap lead, lugs or plates unless specifically agreed to. To be free of foreign material.